Big Tech’s vulgar display of power against Parler is a public execution designed to intimidate

The simultaneous attack by Google, Apple, and Amazon, on the social media app ‘Parler’ is mind-blowing in its brazenness. My personal opinion regarding the intent behind this concerted act is that this is Big Tech’s way of saying, “look what we can do in broad daylight”. It was a public execution, designed to intimidate anyone not on board with the new belief system. This is actual fascism, a merger of corporate behemoths with the State, where they effectively become the State.

The United States government has been the most powerful in history. What we have witnessed over the past year is an Upper Class coup, a ruling class counterrevolution. It appears to have been successful.

Lockdown-ism, the ideology of the permanent pandemic, is the religion that will be used by the largest corporations to have ever existed, as they puppeteer the most powerful State to have ever existed. What we are witnessing is the metamorphosis of a nightmare. And yet it is very familiar to us. If the human race has a genetic memory, the one thing most likely to leave an imprint is our species’ relationship with the monster coalescing before our eyes.


Author: S. Smith