Student quarantines function as punishments for the parents for demanding in-school learning

2 days after a California school district finally opened for in-person learning, 81 students were subjected to mandatory quarantine for a period of ten days, based on the fact that 7 positive COVID tests were confirmed somewhere in the community.

I don’t see how anyone can interpret random student quarantines as anything other than retaliation by the teacher’s unions, who have demanded the ridiculous precautions be put in place before they return to teaching. It appears that they wish to make school so inconvenient and disrupting that the community relents and allows a return to virtual-only.

The only real solution, that no politician in California would even attempt, is to end COVID testing, end quarantines for healthy students, and provide an ultimatum to teachers: show up to work or be replaced. COVID-19 poses no risk to children or teachers. A very specific demographic is at risk, and if those who fall within it are too afraid to teach, then they should find another line of employment.

Children have a right to an education, no one has a right to a job. But right now we are allowing our children’s childhoods to be sacrificed to the whims of an infantile government union, who obviously do not care about the children at all.

Everyone else has had to return to work. Teachers should as well. How many more years can this go on? How many school years will be stolen from children before something is done?

Author: S. Smith