Fauci spread AIDS hysteria in the 80’s, directly contributing to the rise of anti-gay hysteria

This article at AIER is astounding: Fauci was duplicitous on the AIDS epidemic too

He stoked hysteria amid rising AIDS cases in the 80’s, recklessly fueling the rampant homophobia that the decade is known for. Gay men and women were virtually ostracized from society, treated as second-class, as modern-day lepers. Did Fauci experience any blow-back? Not from his employer, the NIH. He’s been comfortably ensconced there, like a true Doomsday Device, ever since.

Now we see similar hatred and mistrust directed toward anyone refusing to wear masks, or abide by the other superstitious pandemic strictures. Violence against the maskless has been fairly common over the past 10 months. Fights, verbal abuse, fines, and arrests have occurred over this ridiculous piece of useless cloth or paper. And Fauci has been there every step of the way, implying that to not abide by mask mandates, “social distancing”, or whatever else has been cooked up, is to invite certain death upon various members of society. What an absolute thug.


Author: S. Smith