Masks were also useless during the Spanish Flu

This Washington Post article from April 2020, written before people discovered a socially-approved outlet for their primitive need to blame someone via hurling abuse as various maskless victims, is fascinating:

“People called them “flu fences” and “chin sails.” Gala attendees fastened theirs with gaudy earrings. Smokers cut flaps in them, and movie houses gave them away with tickets.

During the influenza pandemic of 1918, officials often advised Americans to wear face masks in public. Doctors believed that masks could help prevent “spray infections,” according to historian John M. Barry in his book, “The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History.” Enforced by local health officials, the facial coverings grew routine. Often, Red Cross chapters fashioned and distributed the masks that were “seen everywhere and would become a symbol of the epidemic,” Barry wrote. Americans used the masks as a method of retaining some normalcy during a pandemic that killed at least 675,000 Americans and 50 million people worldwide. It was the only aspect of the catastrophe discussed with any humor.”

Would it have been written now? It’s safe to say that no, of course WaPo wouldn’t publish such a piece, at least one that announced the uselessness of masks right there in the headline.

Mask mandates are the only visible sign that COVID-19 even exists. Unlike the Spanish Flu, where the average age of death was 28, and 99% of its victims were under the age of 65, we live amid a pseudo-epidemic, where a positive test determines infection, rather than symptoms. Where 90% of the victims are over age 75 and with do-not-rescusitate orders already in place, meaning that they were on death’s door before COVID-19. It’s become a performance, and continues mainly through bureaucratic inertia.

I talk to my kids’ school and ask them when the masks and “social distancing” will end. “When COVID-19 is gone.” Oh? The flu is never “gone”, and yet we’ve always found a way to go about our normal lives. Neither is the common cold or strep throat “gone”. Wait until COVID is gone and you’ll be waiting until you die. That’s no benchmark for returning to normal by any stretch of the imagination. COVID poses no risk to children. It poses no risk to the teachers, who, if they do contract it, will make a full recovery with the many treatments that are now available.

The madness has to be actively confronted, or another school year will be ruined for our kids. Unless you’re fine with elementary-aged children wearing masks and being barked at for not “socially distancing” during the time that they’re supposed to be learning and interacting in a fun and psychologically safe environment, then it is time to actively and unceasingly challenge the useless and abusive mitigation measures put in place in our schools.

Author: S. Smith