The miraculous effect of Vitamin D on COVID morbidity and hospitalization has been totally ignored

Wonderful article by Jonathan Cook in CounterpunchWhy Politicians and Doctors Keep Ignoring the Medical Research on Vitamin D and COVID:

”It is probably not a good idea to write while in the grip of anger. But I am struggling to suppress my emotions about a wasted year, during which politicians and many doctors have ignored a growing body of evidence suggesting that Vitamin D can play a critically important role in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.

It is time to speak out forcefully now that a new, large-scale Spanish study demonstrates not a just a correlation but a causal relationship between high-dose Vitamin D treatment of hospitalised Covid patients and significantly improved outcomes for their health.

The pre-print paper in the Lancet shows there was an 80 per cent reduction in admission to intensive care units among hospitalised patients who were treated with large doses of Vitamin D, and a 64 per cent reduction in death. The possibility of these being chance findings are infinitesimally small, note the researchers. And to boot, the study found no side-effects even when these mega-doses were given short term to the hospitalised patients.”

An 80% reduction in hospitalizations, a 64% reduction in death. This should be front-page news, with governments diverting billions from Pharma and into a program that gets D3 supplements into the hands of as many people as possible. But it will never happen. There’s no profit to be made, and people want the psychological catharsis that comes with a magic bullet, or in this case, a vaccine.


Author: S. Smith