The hallmark of the human animal is its ability to quickly discard its humanity

Tucker covers an incident that perfectly illustrates the violence inherent within the mask cult. Comply or be beaten, or worse. And it only took a few months for us all to fall into this way of life, where we could stand by and watch with gratitude as an elderly woman is treated like a dog over a worse-than-useless piece of cloth. No one came to her aid, or voiced their objection at all. They looked down their noses at the “other”, someone receiving a much-deserved punishment for flouting the rules. Here’s where public school conditioning comes into play: mindless obedience to authority, acceptance of punishment for violations, no matter how minor, and approval of punishment inflicted on others for perceived violations, regardless of the rightness or wrongness of the act itself. A perfectly obedient little cog in a big machine.

Over 20 countries suspend distribution of AstraZeneca COVID vax. But the others are okay?

Banning the use of a vaccine after temporally-connected deaths/injuries is a very healthy development, because it is a sign that governments and community leaders are refusing to self-censor or stay quiet for the supposed greater good of protecting the reputation of vaccines in general. But where is the outrage over temporally-associated deaths and injuries stemming from the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines? It’s only a matter of time before that erupts as well.

And only time will tell if Bossche’s warning of the possibility of mass ‘immune escape’ pans out, as the masses are given a vaccine that suppresses symptoms but does not prevent transmission, placing enormous pressure on the virus to mutate and learn to evade our immune system.

Moderna to begin testing mRNA vaccine on children under 12

6,750 children between 6 months and 12 years of age will be enrolled in the trial. How is this legal/ethical? COVID-19 poses no real risk to children. Far less than the flu. The children cannot give informed consent, and we now know that these mRNA vaccines do cause harm to those who receive them. How can this be justified, knowing that many of the trial participants will be seriously injured?