The hallmark of the human animal is its ability to quickly discard its humanity

The hallmark of the human animal is its ability to quickly discard its humanity

Tucker covers an incident that perfectly illustrates the violence inherent within the mask cult. Comply or be beaten, or worse. And it only took a few months for us all to fall into this way of life, where we could stand by and watch with gratitude as an elderly woman is treated like a dog over a worse-than-useless piece of cloth. No one came to her aid, or voiced their objection at all. They looked down their noses at the “other”, someone receiving a much-deserved punishment for flouting the rules. Here’s where public school conditioning comes into play: mindless obedience to authority, acceptance of punishment for violations, no matter how minor, and approval of punishment inflicted on others for perceived violations, regardless of the rightness or wrongness of the act itself. A perfectly obedient little cog in a big machine.

Author: S. Smith