Vaccine passports, both public and private, must be nipped in the bud immediately

Proof-of-vaccine cards would most certainly lead to an apartheid situation, with the unvaccinated being treated as “unclean”, and ostracized from various corners of society. This, despite the fact that the mRNA vaccine is less effective and long-lasting than an actual COVID-19 infection, would create a perfect environment for the proliferation of bigotry and violence. Think violence and hatred of the unmasked is bad? Imagine what it will be like when the vaccinated are given moral cover to abuse the unvaccinated.

This is why behavior like this, Krispy Kreme offering free donuts for a year to those with a vaccine card , is so incredibly dangerous and must be snuffed before it has the opportunity to transform into something monstrous.

Also, ponder the irony of consuming a year’s worth of donuts and still believing that the vaccine is protecting you. I mean, is there a more telling commentary on the state of mind of the public right now? Rather than making any effort whatsoever to become even mildly healthy, the public wants their magic bullet so they can continue their self-destructive habits, one of which includes gorging on a bag of donuts.

So, in this world, an unvaccinated gym rat with an impeccable diet, someone who could clear a COVID infection within a week and develop lifelong natural immunity, can be turned away from private businesses, but the morbidly obese can ride their cart through the doors as long as they brandish a vaccine card? This is a parody, and we have become a parody species within the animal kingdom. This has to stop.

Author: S. Smith