Heart of darkness

Aztec priests were said to have developed such a skill at human sacrifice that they could cut out the heart of their victim while it was still beating. The position was hereditary, meaning that these skills were passed to their children, and to their children’s children. As we know from the endless skulls that are continuously unearthed, the sacrificed were young men, women, and children, probably from the surrounding countryside. These sacrifices numbered in the hundreds of thousands, performed as offerings to their sun god in order to ensure that the sun continued to rise. Hernando Cortes, horrified at the bottomless evil he encountered in the central American jungle, overthrew the Aztecs and executed their leader.

We all have this unlimited capacity for evil, hidden away in our subconscious. But we must consciously ensure that it never rises to the top, which means evaluating our actions and ideas through a moral lens. Based on this, it becomes clear that Anthony Fauci is a facilitator of that fathomless evil. It also becomes clear that, if given the power, he would commit atrocities in the name of “science” and “pandemic”.