Data, combined with perspective, is cold water on the peddlers of fear

COVID coverage has proven that journalism is dead in Oklahoma. Panicky news stories are spewing forth like radioactive bile, the creation of wannabe lackeys and stenographers to fascists, and are scaring the everloving crap out of people who don’t know any better. It’s the work of thugs, dregs, blue-collar dirtbags eager for a pat on the head from the Political Class. So, as antidote to filth produced by these wretches, here is real data from our own health department that, in a sane and moral world, would receive coverage. Notice that deaths are completely uncoupled from cases. Case counts are meaningless without corresponding increases and deaths/hospitalizations. Now look at the recovery rate in dark blue. Identical to the case rate. Okies are catching COVID at an increasing rate, but recovering at the exact same rate, and developing long-term natural immunity in the process. Peruse the Oklahoma COVID-19 Weekly Report here.

Author: S. Smith