Leanna Wen is a horrible person

Too many sociopaths are controlling the narrative that is being MK Ultra’d into the brain stems of the US public. These people are on another level of indifference to actual suffering, or human rights. As I know from personal experience, these people can mimic empathy fairly well, but the mask slips occasionally. Wen uses emotional manipulation similar to CDC director Walinsky, but just think about the implications of what she’s proposing. Another year of masks on schoolkids? A constant fear of unvaccinated children, who aren’t in danger of COVID, and who don’t spread it? When have we ever treated children so brutally? We as a species have arrived at a crossroads that we’ve been avoiding for decades. We must change for the better, we must separate ourselves completely from this tribal emotionalism. We must evolve.

Oklahoma County ICU capacity proves that there was never a COVID crisis

Oklahoma’s public health thugs are now demanding in unison that a state of emergency again be declared over the dread “Delta variant”. This includes Mary Clarke, president of the Oklahoma State Medical Association, and someone who refers to herself as a “family doc”. Well, here is ICU capacity in Oklahoma County over the past year. Clarke, you are as despicable as they come. The economic and social destruction that would come from renewed lockdowns would be immense, and you know this. You also know what ICU capacity looks like across the state, and across the country. And yet you are demanding a return of policies that have led to giant leaps in suicide and drug overdose deaths, increases in homelessness and missing children. You are a textbook dirtbag, and no one should ever take you seriously again.

These people, sociopathic opportunists, will drag us to hell if we let them. They don’t care how much damage they cause, they don’t care about the lives lost, ruined, futures destroyed. We must find a way out of this dangerously naive worship of experts that we’ve been mired in for years.

Source: Rational Ground

FBI used twelve informants to entrap militia members into Whitmer kidnapping plot

The FBI is a disgrace. 14 militia members were arrested, but only after 12 FBI informants coaxed them into agreeing to a ridiculous “plot”.

In the past I’ve written quite a bit about the FBI’s method of entrapping innocent Muslims into agreeing to some far-flung terrorist plot, only to sweep in and arrest the hapless men. Few people seem to realize that the same tactics are used against Americans on a regular basis. Many believe the 1995 OKC bombing was an FBI entrapment case that went live. The same argument is now being made regarding the events of January 6th at the US Capitol. The lesson here is this: don’t create a militia. The people who join militias are the type that will fall for these plots. Forming any kind of political group brings with it the risk of G-men infiltration, so at the very least it’s important to keep guns out of it. The kind of people who fantasize about overthrowing the US government have never read a book in their lives, and have never made an attempt to engage on the battlefield of ideas, the only true battlefield.

You can tell which governments are controlled by an outside source by how they are behaving right now. England, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Israel, and others, are using the same language, the same emotional manipulation, followed by the same authoritarian shutdowns of social life. The ruling class counterrevolution appears to be getting its second wind. US states must implement even stronger protections for its citizens as soon as possible, because the hysteria will flare up here if left unchecked.

Norman Public Schools plans to implement coercive discrimination policy aimed at maskless students

Norman’s schools plan on exempting consistently masked students from the quarantine requirement beginning this Fall. The surprise quarantines were a nightmare for parents last year, and it appears that the useless, abusive policy has carried over another year, but this time aimed at only the maskless students. Since by now only the willfully ignorant don’t understand that the vaccinated and the masked still contract and spread COVID at virtually the same rate as the unmasked/unvaxxed, it is clear that this policy is designed as punishment for students who choose not to engage in a disproven mitigation measure.

Derangement down under

Haha oh my god, this is Monty Python-level tragic self-parody. COVID is spread through aerosols, and has a 99.98% survival rate. It has become endemic. Masks and anti-social behavior have no effect on its spread. This is common knowledge, and yet people like this are standing before the world and saying this crap with a straight face. And people are actually following these orders blindly. How can anyone trust any public health professional ever again?