COVID cases will peak in Oklahoma within three days is a handy site that tracks the infection reproduction rate, R, for COVID cases. When that number is above 1, cases will increase. When it equals 1, cases peak. And when it drops below 1, cases begin to decline. As you can see in the graph, Oklahoma’s R number is rapidly heading straight for 1, meaning that by Tuesday cases will have peaked and will begin their inevitable descent. And R is approaching 1 despite the fact that testing is out of control in this state, with over 13,000 more tests more tests than the previous week being performed, according to the OSHD’s latest epidemiology report. The panic peddlers fear the stalling out and decline of cases, because it means the end of the manufactured hysteria that they’ve been pushing for the past month, and possibly their last opportunity to bring back the whole shebang of states of emergency, lockdowns, and masks.

Author: S. Smith