The incredible, psuedononymous writer, el gato malo, has taken a look at Ontario’s data on rates of heart damage among 18-24 year olds, and makes a grim discovery: 215.5 per million rate of myocarditis among those vaxxed. He applies this rate to the 30 million college-aged American kids, and predicts 4,003 cases of myo/peri if they all get the vax. These kids are not in danger of COVID complications unless they’re already hanging by a thread. Condemning thousands to a far shorter and diminished life is not worth achieving the neurotic goal of vaxxing the entire nation.
This is the fate of those kids who’ve developed myocarditis post-vax:
“Non-fulminant active myocarditis has a mortality rate of 25% to 56% within 3 to 10 years, owing to progressive heart failure and sudden cardiac death, especially if symptomatic heart failure manifests early on.”
But we’re never told this infomation because public health authorities are comprised solely of moral degenerates and sociopaths.