The new Iron Curtain

Far too many people believe that we’re nearing the end of pandemic totalitarianism, that somehow it will fall apart in one grand implosion, and the ruling class thugs that made a sincere attempt at implementing global corporate slavery will soon be running for the hills. This is dangerously naive, a total underestimation of what we’re up against. We are not out of the woods by any stretch. Just look at the crackdowns occurring throughout Western and eastern European nations. The protests are having no effect. The Iron Curtain is falling. Large segments of the respective populations are being systematically dehumanized. Anyone refusing to accept the vaccine passport yoke is being cruelly punished. Australia even built internment camps. Here are just a few of the events:

Health Ministers in New Brunswick, Canada, have announced that unvaccinated Canadians may be barred from entering grocery stores beginning on Saturday. Apparently this policy is just “level 1” of an escalating, 3-level alert system.

Germany has just locked unvaccinated citizens out of public life, as reported here.

Ireland, one of the most highly-vaccinated European countries, is on the verge of another Christmas lockdown.

Large swaths of the US are experiencing identical totalitarian crackdowns, and the worst part is that many people welcome it. In truth, only a select few American states will hold the banner of freedom amid a return of totalitarianism. The “COVID camps” under construction, or in use, will be used against a much broader range of infractions than merely testing positive for COVID. The vax passport will remain tethered only to your vax status for a very short while. More approved social behaviors will be added to the passport, and the camps will be used as punishment for passport violations.

We are the West’s last generation. Here at the raggedy edge of a civilizational abyss, arrived at through the culmination of a century of a philistine squanderation of the priceless gifts of long-dead geniuses, heroes, thinkers, martyrs, and dreamers, who sacrificed everything so that freedom may live. There will be nothing left if we do not mount a defense. If we do nothing then the next generation will know only slavery.

Once the passport yoke is around your neck, and your bank account, social media history, political viewpoints, employment, health records are all tied to it, you will be powerless. No paper Constitution will protect you then. Any hint of heresy will see you literally cancelled. Erased. Deleted from social life.

We bear witness to the descent of a new Iron Curtain. More than that, we’ve witnessed the seamless merger of government, tech, business, public health, and political correctness, into an all-encompassing totalitarian ideology that has infected millions, who will in turn advocate for it, defend it, pray to it, and take orders from it. This is THE counterrevolution of the upper class. They believe that this is their time to enact their long-stored plans. It must be stopped.

Author: S. Smith