Connecticut will begin sending COVID-positive patients back to their nursing homes

If you need any more evidence that the COVID doomsday cult doesn’t give a good god damn about the wellbeing of anyone, look at this news from Connecticut.

There’s no attempt to understand it, because we’re not dealing with anything rational. The priority isn’t lives, the priority is control. A deeply rooted biological process, set in motion 20 months ago, has progressed past the point of no return. This evolutionary imperative that we all carry within us is the creation of the Total State, no different than a spider’s imperative to spin a web. This compulsion is our original sin, one that centuries of thinkers and philosophers have attempted to devise means to suppress, either through ideas, constitutions or culture. But amid this culturally and morally degenerate age of ours, the reemergence of the State now seems an inevitability. Look at Europe, Canada, Australia, and many parts of the United States, and bear witness to the rebirth of the greatest evil our species has ever known. The governments of these nations have transformed into a separate collective organism. You hear it in their words and see it in their actions. They’ll never relinquish their power voluntarily.

Author: S. Smith