Text messages reveal that Putnam City school staff absences were coordinated by union officials

Several weeks ago, I was informed that Norman Public Schools teachers were coordinating their sick days in order to force a closure. I didn’t receive proof, only the tip. These people did not want to go on record for the fear of reprisal, understandibly so. Well, it looks like OCPA did get proof, in the form of a text message sent by a teacher’s union official to Putnam school staff:

“In a text sent to various staff at the Putnam City school district and obtained by the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, school employees were encouraged to call in sick and force a school closure.

The Jan. 21 text, provided by a recipient on condition of anonymity, told Putnam City staff that “apparently everyone is putting in an absence tonight for Monday. If it doesn’t go through and we are not virtual by Monday morning, you can just cancel the absence. Up to you if you wanna participate just a heads up that it’s a thing a lot of people are doing. Principals are aware and understanding.”

The message was reportedly sent by union representatives to Putnam City staff.”

If you don’t want to teach, that’s fine, but get out of the education business entirely. This is juvenile delinquent crap, and needs to be dealt with. Are our schools really staffed with garbage humans looking to continue to disrupt our kids educations? Get the unions out of our schools entirely. Come on, OK legislature, handle this. These lunatics are running wild.

Author: S. Smith