Russia is on the verge of pushing all its chips to the middle of the table

Biden will today announce a ban on Russian oil imports, and Ukraine says that 11,000 Russian troops have been killed. Even if that toll is only half that, it means that Putin is “all in”, and nothing will deter him from seeing the operation through to the finish. The oil ban is the last big weapon short of war, and once its used there is no telling what will happen. What would happen if someone backed a wounded Kodiak into a corner? What will happen once a nuclear power, who also happens to be the world’s biggest oil exporter, is backed into a corner?

Our government does not care what happens to us, that much is clear. Gas prices have already hit an all-time high, and they will continue to skyrocket. The fuel spike is going to push food prices into the stratosphere, and the most vulnerable will suffer, just as they always have during times of man-made crisis. This world order is unsustainable.

Author: S. Smith