Will the Roe decision lead to stupid civil war?

The reaction to the leaked Roe V. Wade decision mirrors that of a fundamentalist sect reacting to the desecration of their prophet, and I wonder just how violent some of the more militant believers will become. Roe has always been part of the degenerate liturgy of the Left, kids are taught its supposed merit from grade school up through college. The right to an abortion has been heralded almost as the fundamental right, the sole unchallengeable sacrament of a secular pseudo religion. Every other area of life is open to State-sanctioned violation, but woe unto anyone who raises a hand to abortion.

But this decision doesn’t outlaw abortion in the slightest, it merely gives the individual states autonomy to decide. But the totalitarian Left will brook no compromise over such an integral aspect of their Scripture.

Probably the most bizarre aspect of this decision is that it has been leaked early from inside the Court. Has this ever happened before, ever? This seems to imply mutiny from the inside of the court itself, among the clerks.

My fear of what is to come lies in the obvious fact that the Left is positively rabid over Roe. They’re ready to wage secular Jihad.

Author: S. Smith