Month: August 2023
Poor men south of Richmond need to reacquaint themselves with their anger
Oliver Anthony’s instant country hit, ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’, is a wrenching cry of despair, articulating the suffocating emotions that tens of millions in this country wake up to every single day. The sense that there is no hope for a better future, that we’re condemning our own children to a hamster wheel that spins a little faster each day, and that pays out a little less each day. This is debilitating despair, the kind that sends young men and women to the bottle or the needle or the gun. We know something is wrong, we know it is man-made, but most everyone cannot pin the blame on a single cause. This is the most maddening aspect of the despair that millions feel: the certainty that the cause of our despair is not an act of God, combined with the total inability to see the enemy. Everything appears to be getting worse. There is a socio-economic implosion occurring in slow motion, and almost no one appears to be doing anything about it. Both the Left and the Right are engaged in a cultural battle that appears increasingly ridiculous, as the base of both parties sinks further into a spiritual tar pit.
It’s important to express despair, to vent feelings of sadness and hopelessness. But it’s more important to let those feelings pass and evolve into purpose-fueled anger.
Anger gets a bad rap. We’re told from birth to not get angry, as if we have a choice. We’re made to feel ashamed of our anger, usually by people enfeebled by despair. But anger is powerful. It gives us energy and drive, it centers our attention. It cleanses every other emotion from our mind. Anger gives us the energy to stand up for ourselves, to make our own decisions.
The book, Ender’s Shadow, expounds on the difference between cold anger and hot anger. I think it’s one of the most insightful things I’ve ever read.
People in the possession of ‘cold’ anger solve problems and move with purpose. People overcome with despair shrink from the world.
Despair robs us of energy and agency. Anger restores it. When the poor men south of Richmond rediscover their anger, maybe they will save the lives of the tens of millions just like Anthony.
How is this possible?
Lahaina looks firebombed.
Lahaina Hawaii… only the beachfront properties were saved, whilst downtown Lahaina that developers have tried to buy out was completely wiped out.
— Pelham (@Resist_05) August 17, 2023
More on Maui police chief John Pelletier
Why was he in the FBI academy?
Something really weird is going on with the Police Chief of #Lahaina, John Pelletier
I am almost sure that he was placed in #Lahaina to oversee this disaster for the globalists
Listen to what other police officers in #Lahaina have to say about him – Something is clearly…
(@bambkb) August 17, 2023
Maui police chief John Pelletier was also the incident commander at the Vegas massacre
As much as I hate to say it, there is a much larger game afoot here. There is something very wrong with the manner in which mass casualty events unfold in the West. Is he an actor? An intelligence asset? Why are so many of these events tied together through these people?
British citizens are removing “ultra low emission zone” cameras
ULEZ (ultra low emission zone) cameras are being installed around London. Once installed, they detect whether a car driving past is electric or not. If not, the driver receives a massive fine. This is insane Net Zero baloney, and the Brits have had it, so they remove them at night and trash them.
UK citizens are furious Sadiq Khan is installing ULEZ (Ultra low emission zones) recognition cameras throughout London. Those who can’t afford electric vehicles will be fined £12 pounds ($15) every time they drive past them.
Citizens are fighting back by taking them down as soon…
— Pelham (@Resist_05) August 13, 2023
To Build Back Better, it must first be burned down
It seems that the death toll from the Lahaina fire is being intentionally minimized. We’re being told that 80 have died, but over 1500 are unaccounted for. If they aren’t found within a few days, that toll will soar to over 1,000 dead, making it one of the most unimaginable disasters in our nation’s history. Amateur media from first responders, as well as those familiar with Lahaina paint a much different picture than what we’re being force fed. The fire is not the result of “climate change”, but rather arson. Reports now are that Maui has run out of body bags, and that the government of Hawaii has taken total control of the importing of aid, restricting aid to those still trapped. Locals report that the extensive siren system in place on the island failed to alert the residents of the incoming fire, and that roads were even blocked as residents attempted to flee. I hear whisperings that the land of Lahaina is highly coveted by the upper class, but that the multi-generations natives have refused to sell. I see reports that Maui was designated to become a groundbreaking “smart city”, complete with net zero energy and all other WEF trimmings. Lahaina has been razed, FEMA will deem it uninhabitable, and surviving residents will be disenfranchised. Blackrock and Vanguard will fund the rebuilding, and we know what it will look like. A similar tactic is currently underway in Ukraine. Watch for reports of hundreds of millions in “donations” and “aid” from corporate behemoths, along with chatterings of how great the 15-minute city will be for the remaining residents of Maui. Watch over the next weeks an influx of influencers and phony baloney “humanitarians” getting their photo op of good deeds. Oprah is already out there fluffing pillows.
This guy is saying they are not allowing anyone in or out of Lahaina Maui.. and they are denying people trying to bring in supplies
— Audra White (@AudieZaBeast) August 13, 2023
Can’t deny the resemblance.
What really happened in Lahaina, Maui?
Is the intent to destroy everything, get rid of the natives and then buy the cheap land?
Something feels off….
— {Matt} $XRPatriot (@matttttt187) August 12, 2023
This makes me mad… you have locals there with massive stuff to help those in need in Lahaina but yet due to it not being FEMA or Red Cross they won't allow the people to have the supplies!? #FukRedCrossandFEMA #corruption
— Sweetcaligurl (@Sweetcaligurl07) August 12, 2023
Maui Literally Looks Like A War Zone…Over A Thousand People Missing…
Pray For The People Of Lahaina, Maui#MauiFires #Pray4Maui— AɯƙɯαɾԃMαɱα™® (@Aspiemama_107) August 12, 2023
Video footage of 8th of August before fires started in #Lahaina
Electric poles falling off. May be this could be one of the reason of the deadly wildfires.
Follow for more updates.
Video Credits – @livingearthsystems (Instagram handle)#mauifires #LahainaFires #Maui #Hawaii— Shadab Javed (@JShadab1) August 12, 2023
Listen to this testimony of a man eacaping the lahaina fire. What he says about the death toll is common from reports I've received from people on the island. They estimate to me between 400-500 dead. It's sounds crazy but some have said 1000+. I'm not saying it true, just that…
— Derek Broes (@WillingWitness) August 11, 2023
Many stories like these which will be lost to history.