Where’s the memorial for NYC’s COVID victims?

There is a suspicious lack of attention paid to the supposed COVID outbreak in NYC hospitals during March and April 2020. Roughly 30,000 people died who shouldn’t have died within a six-week span, ten times the number who died in the 9/11 attacks, and there is no memorial, no documentary, no nothing. The event that sent our nation spiraling into lockdown is now treated as if it didn’t even happen at all. Who were these thousands who died? How did they die? Will we ever know? Lockdown is a euphemism for the sudden imposition of totalitarianism that we Americans experienced for the first time in our nations history. We accepted lockdown based on what happened in NYC. But what did happen?

Here is what I think happened: there were no overflowing hospitals in NYC. Anyone who came to the hospital and tested positive for COVID was immediately placed on a ventilator, which killed them. I believe that NYC hospitals inadvertently murdered thousands of people in a “fog of war” scenario, and now they’ve scrubbed the crime scene as best they can.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself, because fear itself has the potential to push us to commit atrocities. Similar to the armed man who, believing his house has been broken into, accidentally kills his wife, our doctors and nurses killed thousands due to unfounded fear of a spreading pathogen.

Author: S. Smith