“Do you condemn Hamas” is the new “Black Lives Matter”

Yes of course Black Lives Matter. ALL lives matter (Funny how Google auto-capitalizes “black lives matter” in the previous sentence). But say so and you’ll be branded a racist. Now we have the right-wing version of the BLM purity test, but with Israel, and Zionists, rather than black Americans. “Do you condemn Hamas? Do you believe Israel is God-ordained? Do you believe Israeli settlers have a divine right to the land of the West Bank? Do you believe it’s our Christian duty to bankroll this sickening Zionist cult?” As with the Black Lives Matter mob, your job, your place in society, your security, you very life depends on how well you can grovel. And everyone is being made to grovel. Tom Cotton performs the function of ideological enforcer of the Zionist cult, a cult that would gladly sacrifice Americans, has sacrificed Americans, if it benefits the state of Israel.

Author: S. Smith