The New World Order is a state of permanent destabilization

Is the shadowy and insidious “New World Order” something that lies in the future, always to be warned of, but seemingly never to be reached? Or is it here and now and we just don’t recognize it as such? If we look at the NWO as a state of the world rather than an endpoint, I’d say we’re living it. If we view the NWO as a state of permanent destabilization, a never ending sequence of crisis and response, then we’re there already. 9/11/01 of course set the stage for a world of permanent crisis, and then the destructive wars that followed, seamlessly moving into the 2008 financial crisis, inflation, economic and political disruption, more war, and then the mother of all crises, the 2020 COVID pandemic. Parallel with the pandemic was the BLM riots and the upending of American culture. And sprinkled throughout are the various mass shootings that occur seemingly spontaneously in schools, malls, grocery stores, churches, concerts, and state fairs. Our children act out “active shooter” scenarios in school, crystallizing a base-line level of fear that remains fixated as core memories, acclimating them to a life of destabilization, crisis, and unquestioning obedience to official commands. The NWO is a cultural movement, not an endpoint. And it’s here now.

“Do you condemn Hamas” is the new “Black Lives Matter”

Yes of course Black Lives Matter. ALL lives matter (Funny how Google auto-capitalizes “black lives matter” in the previous sentence). But say so and you’ll be branded a racist. Now we have the right-wing version of the BLM purity test, but with Israel, and Zionists, rather than black Americans. “Do you condemn Hamas? Do you believe Israel is God-ordained? Do you believe Israeli settlers have a divine right to the land of the West Bank? Do you believe it’s our Christian duty to bankroll this sickening Zionist cult?” As with the Black Lives Matter mob, your job, your place in society, your security, you very life depends on how well you can grovel. And everyone is being made to grovel. Tom Cotton performs the function of ideological enforcer of the Zionist cult, a cult that would gladly sacrifice Americans, has sacrificed Americans, if it benefits the state of Israel.

Has everyone always been this stupid?

Are we living in a unique point in history when those consolidating and wielding power are incredibly, uniquely stupid? Ireland has performed quite the trick: they’ve outlawed speech that calls for removal of the thugs who’ve destroyed their country and a return to a stricter immigration policy. Conor McGregor did just that, and now he’s being investigated. See the trick? Run for office on a platform of fixing the country and you might get thrown in jail. Meanwhile they’re being dismantled as a people by this guy below.

Technological progress is taking us back to Hell

What sort of human is technological progress creating? Not merely technological progress, but progress in service of the elimination of boredom, of satiating our bottomless appetite for instant gratification. I see too many people walking, driving, sitting, eating, while holding a small rectangular object that constantly steals the attention of its owner. People walking their dogs spend their time staring at their phone. People drive around town, on highways, while staring at this small screen, this digital savior who delivers us from our requirement to think, to sit in frustrated boredom. It is the most powerful narcotic we’ve ever developed, and yet we don’t see it that way, and so we freely indulge, 24 hours a day, giving our children access to it, incipiating their addiction as soon as possible, creating lifelong addicts out of our children. Why do we continue to deliver our children to these megacorp beasts and their drugs, knowing what will happen?  Social media addiction, porn addiction, an addiction to instant gratification. This is the brave new world, the dystopia we always knew was coming in some form, but didn’t realize the path until we’d reached the end. There is nowhere else to go. The drug of convenience, the screen as god, the digital narcotic that addles the brain, creating almost irreversible neural pathways of reward. There is no progress, no reaching for the stars, no reaching of our potential, no real future, as long as this omnipresent drug remains a primary fixation in our lives.

We require emancipation of this technology, just as an addict requires it of the substance they’ve found themselves chained to. 5G instant gratification, 24/7, is rebarbarizing our minds, suffocating our souls, muffling our humanity and dragging us back to an animal state. We need boredom, we need to think, we need our minds to wander, we need to develop the ability to sit with our selves, free of this drug, a drug that amounts to the most dangerous narcotic known to our species.

We are not equipped to handle this level of technological advancement, but somehow we’ve found our selves here and now bear witness to its abominable effects. At the current rate, for our future we only have a geometric proliferation of screens, of new and more subtle gadgets and programs whose gift is convenience, a further emancipation, by small bloops and beeps, of our ability to think.

What separates us from the animal kingdom other than our ability to think? And yet we are stuck on a wide and swiftly flowing current straight towards an animal existence. How long is the road back from Hell, and how many will even awaken long enough to make the first move on that road? And when every fiber of their being is straining to remain in the state of technological oblivion?

Convenience, delivered by the god technology, is our final drug, unless we make a concerted effort to consciously reject it.

Sometimes you have to be an asshole

A righteous asshole, that is. Nikki Haley would continue funding the Ukrainian slaughterhouse for years if elected, but it looks like Vivek single-handedly ended her campaign at this debate. And she and the other candidates are seething with hatred of Vivek, because they feel they’re entitled to never be held accountable for their dangerous ignorance.

American Jews can travel to Israel and become settlers

Check out this American prick attempting to destroy a Christian church in a region of the world that he has no place being in. This behavior on the part of Jewish settlers is protected by Israel, and most of the time these parasites are American. They have free rein to loot, pillage, and even rape and kill Palestinians, who have no recourse to protect themselves. If the Palestinians fight back, the Israeli military is sent in to mete out punishment.