A soldier set himself on fire, and an Israeli embassy cop holds his burning body at gunpoint
Nothing so perfectly encapsulates the fake tough guy mentality of the Israelis and their goons than this short clip below. No empathy, no humanity, at a moment of crisis that this man will never again be put before. Moments like this almost seem like a test that God puts before us, just to see how we behave. Imagine the judgment rendered in this situation.
The Israelis never go toe-to-toe with Hamas, or with anyone else. They use the tactics of the coward, which is a behavior pattern that is always present among those who also portray themselves as victims. Incessant complainers, perpetual “victims” of some co-worker, in-law, entire racial or social class, who always seem to turn a conversation to how they’ve been victimized by one person or another. Individuals whose identity is interwoven with the licking of imagined wounds caused by phantoms past and present.
Israel has built an entire cultural identity out of this template. And this victim writ large goes on periodic rampages, just like individual victims do when they spit venom at the few people left who care about them. But because they’ve so successfully portrayed themselves as history’s victims, we forgive their crimes, pick up the bill, and ensure that the cycle perpetuates. A person with a victim mindset is a person mired in quicksand and who will only pull you in with them. They don’t want to better themselves, pick up a hobby, read a book, discover new music, or see the world, they want to see you as miserable as them. Israel, who preaches to Jews that, because you are the ultimate victims, you have the ultimate free pass to do what thou wilt. And so the ultimate victims become the ultimate savages.
The result has been an unrestrained slaughter of Israel’s imagined oppressors, resulting in upwards of 40,000 innocent dead. This cultural mindset of victim has short-circuited any feelings of empathy, regret, or guilt. Although, among IDF soldiers, suicide and PTSD is rife. Which means that no amount of indoctrination will quell the storm of feelings after a murder spree.
Israel exists in an artificial bubble, propped up by the US. It is high time that the bubble is popped, and the tiny nation exposed to the real world, which means the consequences of their actions. Will it happen? Probably not any time soon, which means we can expect other intermittent slaughters and implicit or overt threats against anyone questioning the status of the US relationship with this blood-thirsty squatter state.