Avoid a J6 scenario by not being stupid
Here’s a lesson that hopefully conservatives have learned by now: if someone close by is agitating to “do something!”, meaning violence, then they’re an undercover fed. Run away, avoid these people. They’re everywhere in the MAGA movement now, attempting to lure gullible Gus’s into agreeing to a kidnapping plot or what have you. It’s a well-worn tactic among federal law enforcement, just ask the Muslim community. After 9/11, virtually every “foiled bomb plot” was one hatched by undercover feds. It’s a twisted tactic, but it’s in use, and since it was allowed to be used by conservatives during the War on Terror days, it is now being used on conservatives themselves. The War on Terror never ended because the bureaucracy built up to wage it never went away. It’s just now being used to target Americans.
Governments love it when dummies organize in an attempt to overthrow it. They love a chance to really drop the hammer. Look what they did to the J6ers, who are either serving multi-year sentences, or have died, either from an stress-induced stroke or heart attack, or by suicide. The pen truly is mightier than the sword. Just look at how governments squirm in the face of free speech. Look at the energy expelled by governments to extinguish it. Get good at “speeching”, not “insurrecting”. One is effective, the other a fantasy for LARPing adult idiots. Learn to be persuasive. Yes it’s hard, very hard, but it works. It’s so hard that many people would truly rather pick up arms against their own government than sit down and articulate their views. But imagine if Ron Paul had done so, rather than what he did. Imagine if all the great thinkers had chosen violence rather than persuasion and argument? Violence is the tool of the animal, argument is our god-like, uniquely human capacity to make change through open debate.
In this way, and only in this way, I dub Elon Musk the savior of civilization. He has single-handedly saved free speech. This is what he will be remembered for, not his cars nor his fantasies regarding the colonization of space. Space is merely the cosmic backdrop to our earthly drama. Its argument, and the freedom to freely dispute, that matters. Be human, not animal. Wage philosophical war, the most potent form of combat.