The federal government paid CVS and Walgreens billions to push the vax, reject ivermectin prescriptions

Important article in America Out Loud that reveals how the biggest pharmacy chains in the US were bribed into pushing the COVID vax, and at the same time, maligning and refusing to fill ivermectin prescriptions. In June of 2022, CVS entered into a $2.1 billion gov’t contract through ICATT, a CDC program that pushes the COVID vax and testing. Another CVS contract with the federal gov’t is worth $3.4 billion through 2025.

In 2021, Walgreens received $800 million in contract money.

We can easily remember how these two mega pharmacies pushed the COVID narrative as if they were getting rich off the lies. Turns out, they were. We can also recall the prolonged campaign against ivermectin, libeled as “horse dewormer” despite the fact that it had been a safe, live-saving drug used by hundreds of millions of people previously.

This should be a reminder to always follow the money, because it always leads to the truth.

Author: S. Smith