We’ve been subjected to nearly a year of phony rape accusations leveled at Hamas soldiers, all of which were proven false, but were spread in order to gain support for the genocide of Gaza. And now, irony of ironies, it turns out that the “most moral army in the world” is the one doing the raping, all caught on video. This plums the depths of depravity, and I’m sure our Israeli-compromised Political Class will ignore this incontrovertible evidence. I apologize for posting the video, but it has to be seen. It’s hard to even find the words to express the level of disgust, not only for the IDF soldiers, but for our own leaders who support this hellbound nation. But we really shouldn’t be surprised, because haven’t we seen the mass murder of Palestinians, limbless children, piles of bodies, a small nation bombed into dust, all captured in 4K?
Americans are bankrolling the diseased culture responsible for this destruction. The phenomenon we’re witnessing is something like spiritual rabies. Their souls are infected, and damned, and they know it, and don’t care. Ostensibly Jewish, they behave as a people worshipping at the foot of a god of chaos and torment. This is really our greatest ally? How could we have let ourselves become bound to such a black evil? How in the world could we ever free ourselves from it?
“This footage includes the crime attributed to the reserve unit.
The act of sodomy under the circumstance of rape.”
I would like everyone to keep in mind that there were protests all over Israel, with the support of Israeli ministers, defending the rights of Jews to rape… pic.twitter.com/Dny1sYtKg1
— Censored Men (@CensoredMen) August 7, 2024