Fry your brain on these astoundingly ignorant statements made by sitting Supreme Court justices

Justice Sotomayor:We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition and many on ventilators. So saying it’s a workplace variant just underscores the fact that without some workplace rules with respect to vaccines or encouraging vaccines because this is not a vaccine mandate.”

The truth? 1,154, as of December 25th. And we know that over half of those hospitalizations are “with” COVID, not “from COVID. So around 600 nationwide? This rises to the level of national emergency for this robed nitwits?

And one other point: A “get vaxed or lose your ability to work” is a de facto mandate.


Justice Breyer: “750 million new cases of COVID yesterday.”

The truth? United States has 330 million people.


Justice Kagan: “We know the best way to prevent spread is for people to get vaccinated,”

The truth? Multiple studies have confirmed that the vaccinated are equally as contagious as unvaccinated.


There’s much more the hash out from the oral arguments, but I’ll leave it at that for now. Look, no one wants to believe that a sitting Supreme Court Justice is a thundering dumbass, but based on these comments we must confront the possibility. The level of ignorance displayed by them is staggering. Low-information justices? It is terrifying that so much power is concentrated in the hands of these airheads.

Author: S. Smith