06/18/18 Overnight Links

ABC: Amazon, Microsoft, Uber donate to oppose the California Consumer Privacy Act

CNBC: Forget Facebook privacy, these companies are after your most private data: your DNA

Gizmodo: Google Translate can’t provide consent for police searches, judge rules

Activist Post: Michigan bans “material support or resources” for warrantless federal surveillance

The Guardian: UK police face legal action over use of facial recognition cameras

Zero Hedge: Are China’s “drone swarms” the military weapon of the future?

The Free Thought Project: Coward cop who hid from Parkland shooter had history of sexually harassing female students

The Intercept: The U.S. is exacerbating the world’s worst humanitarian crisis by outsourcing its Yemen policy

Boing Boing: Canada’s best weapon in a US trade-war: invalidating US pharma patents

GEORGE WILL: Congress’s shameful abdication of war-making powers continues apace

Reason: Why does the press routinely misidentify prostitution with “sex trafficking”?

Libertarian Institute: Libya “before and after” photos go viral

Liberty Fund: Why the Surveillance State is dangerous


Author: S. Smith