06/19/18 Overnight Links

The Week: The government’s creepy obsession with your face

ABC News: Amazon shareholders to Jeff Bezos: Stop marketing facial recognition tool

Also ACLU: Over 150,000 people tell Amazon: Stop selling facial recognition tech to the police

Reason: Texas GOP endorses marijuana decriminalization

Zero Hedge: DOJ indicts suspect accused of “Vault 7” leak to Wikileaks, the largest CIA breach in history

The Federalist: 6 revelations from ‘The Swamp’ documentary show just how dirty DC is

BoingBoing: Microsoft employees pissed over company’s connection to ICE

Buzzfeed: Governors cancel their National Guard deployments to the border to protest Trump’s ‘inhumane’ separation of families

WSWS: Five die fleeing US immigration police as children spend Father’s Day in jail Ed: The illegal immigration that the US experiences is what appears to be ‘organic’. They have connections here, they have a place to go to, if they can only get there. And most have a job opportunity lined up, menial though it might be. This is good immigration, and it benefits our society greatly, They break their backs while on the clock, and keep to themselves when they feel they need to. Cracking down on this type of illegal immigration is the product of nothing more than the vulgar “law and order” style of politics. People eat it up, too. Those south of the border that come here are usually the decent people of the country fleeing their failed home states that are currently boiling over with a murderous level of corruption.

Reuters: Israel targets rights groups with bill to outlaw filming of soldiers

Truthdig: 25,000 have fled fighting in Yemen, according to UN numbers

High Times: Severely epileptic boy discharged from hospital after resuming CBD treatment

RON PAUL: Why can’t we sue the TSA for assault?

DiscoverMag: Ayahuasca, the psychedelic antidepressant?

Author: S. Smith