Letter to the Norman Transcript

Sent this AM, lets see if they publish it:

“Norman’s public school students, after having been gifted with two wonderful weeks of semi-normalcy while attending in-person classes, have now been forced back into virtual school with little notice. This is all thanks to Oklahoma’s color-coded ‘COVID-19 Alert System’, which school administrators use to determine whether campus will remain open. When a certain number of cases are reported, parents are informed, and students go back to the computer screen at home. 


Of course, the schools aren’t actually closed. Teachers and their own children have the privilege of being physically present on the school grounds while completing their “virtual” lessons. It’s a bit confusing, and more than a little insulting, that the schools are open to the children of teachers, but not to the rest of us. Either schools are too dangerous to remain open or they aren’t. If they are dangerous, why are kids and adults still there? The answer is that no one actually believes schools to be a danger to children, because COVID-19 poses no actual risk to children. 


The fatality rate for children under 14 hovers around 1 in 1,000,000 according to an estimate made by Avik Roy of FREOPP. Unlike the flu, 80% of COVID deaths occur in people over age 65, with the vast majority of deaths and hospitalizations occurring in those with pre-existing conditions. Stanford professor John Ioannidis calculated a median fatality rate of just 0.05% for individuals below the age of 70. This is not the boogeyman virus we’ve been led to believe it is. 


We have mountains of evidence that tells us that COVID-19 affects a very specific demographic, which is comprised almost exclusively of the very old and very ill. And yet with all this evidence, the charade continues, with school closings, mask mandates, and threats of new lockdowns. Everyone else has had to go back to work, including daycare workers, who have reported to work every day since March. Businesses have been open for months, and our kids have been out and about for months. School should be no different.


Our children should be laughing, playing, and learning with their classmates at school during the waning days of summer, but instead are made to suffer at the hands of policymakers who do not appear to have their best interests at heart. Parents are being jerked around on a weekly basis, scrambling to make virtual school work while also juggling jobs and childcare. 


For the sake of the mental and physical well-being of our children, schools must immediately reopen. Masks must be ditched as well, which do little more than place children at great risk of developing thrush or a staph infection. Let them breathe, and let them return to school. They deserve a normal childhood, not one marred by this unfounded hysteria and germophobia that has suddenly become the basis for public policy.”


Author: S. Smith