S. Smith

  • Lost history: Jewish terrorists sent letter-bombs to President Truman in 1947

    The “Stern Gang”, Zionist terrorists who began their violent operations in the 40’s, mailed letter bombs to President Truman in an attempted assassination. The bombs were fortunately defused by the Secret Service before reaching the Oval Office. Similar letters were mailed to British officials, as the Irgun and Lehi (Stern) Zionist terrorist groups began targeting anyone believed to be an obstacle to a Jewish state in Palestine. The Lehi group was also responsible for the barbaric murder of Folke Bernadotte, a Swedish diplomat who, during World War 2, negotiated the release of over 30,000 Nazi concentration camp prisoners. Bernadotte had been sent to mediate between Palestinian and Zionist leaders in hopes of reaching a fair compromise.

    This history is completely lost, and instead we get a condensed version that the average middle-aged adolescent American can digest, along with the vicious, infantile slogans and bromides regarding “America’s greatest ally”, and “the most moral army in the world”. Sure, but an ally who tries to kill our Presidents, or may even had a hand in the successful assassination of Kennedy.

  • Pedophilia is being inserted into academia under the guise of inclusion

    The sickest fantasies of the most perverted men (they’re almost always men) have been repackaged and incorporated into “inclusion”-heavy instruction at elite universities. How could this have happened? How can anyone allow this or believe this isn’t something that should be burned out of society, it’s peddlers ostracized or imprisoned? A moral and spiritual vacuum has emerged within the last decade, providing a portal for these sick notions to enter polite society. It has become a revolution of the degenerates, a sickness of the mind that has taken hold of popular culture almost completely. Moral norms haven’t just been inverted, they’ve vanished altogether. We assumed that surely society could not degenerate so quickly, and then we saw the books that were being placed in our elementary schools.

    I’m telling you now: this below is straight from a closeted male pedophile’s sick fantasy. It’s not what is true, it’s what he wants to be true. We’re giving dark hearts and damned souls the power to shape moral and cultural norms, and we’ve given the government and the megacorps who employ greater swaths of the public power to force us to submit to these degenerate beliefs, or else.

    This below is the ideology of the man exposing himself in front of a school, the man taking pictures of children under stall doors, the pediatrician, school coach, or youth minister grooming the underage children entrusted to them before committing the ultimate sin of sexual abuse. That is what this is. Nothing more nor less. Seen in this light, in becomes much more clear what should be done.

  • How many of your favorite “influencers” are on the Zionist dole?

    Jordan Schachtel, of COVID contrarian fame, is apparently a paid propagandist for the Zionist state. I find this very revealing, and extremely disappointing. Many writers strive to become “influencers”, people who seek to make a living by writing as an independent artist. Well, here is the price of your “independence”. I can speculate at how Israel got their hooks into Jordan. Probably at some function or “Big Con” event. “Would you like to make money spreading Israeli propaganda?” And he gets roped in. And if he tries to get out, they let him know that they have compromising information that would ruin his reputation. I’m reminded of Mr. Todd’s warning to Roger, in Twin Peaks The Return: “You better hope that you never get involved with someone like him. Never have someone like him in your life.” Of course Todd was murdered shortly after.

  • The dark harvest of tech saturation: infantilization and despair

    As we watch, helplessly, as internet-connected devices and gadgets gain further ground into every aspect of our lives, it is instructive to ask ourselves whether we’re better off than we were ten, twenty, or thirty years ago. The answer is obvious, and yet one really has to wonder why we still allow this total 5G saturation. What are we getting out of the deal? What are we losing as a result of this rapid advance of screens and “connectedness”? I say we’re gaining nothing, aside from a mirage of convenience, the most dangerous drug ever to exist, and because it isn’t recognized a such, it is churned out at breakneck pace. Because of this, we are losing something fundamental that we will never get back. We are losing the real in favor of the unreal. Our attention is being siphoned, continuously pulled away from the real, as these gadgets incessantly demand our attention. Our childhood experiences have become extinct. No future generations will experience what we did. The banquet of high-speed, 5G, instant, technological pleasures is laid out in wait for every succeeding generation. We baptize, and are baptized, in the name of the Screen, the new god, and the last God. None will surpass it. The Screen, omnipresent, all-knowing, all-seeing, has brought about the end of history. What culture worthy of remembrance will be produced by the congregation of the Screen? The question answers itself. The screen infantilizes us, and we condemn future generations when we allow the addiction to cement itself. We know something is wrong. We know we’re being swept forward at an increasing rate. We feel helpless at the rapid advance of this empty technological idol.

    We are the generation that now sees the false promise of technology. We are not better off than we were in the 90’s, or the 80’s, or the 70’s. The 70’s, which produced some of the greatest music, literature, and culture. The 70’s, father of the big block V8, burning the unfiltered high-octane aroma that is now as alien to us as the artifacts of the pyramids, bursting with creativity and life. A world that knew nothing of the internet but still thrived. We’ve allowed the sequential deaths of far too many American cultures, as we struggle to gain our bearings amid the ravages of technological innovation. The subsidized electric car hums by, while we, stupefied, push the smartphone into our pockets as we go about our day, paralyzed not by choice, but by technology. Endless content, calling to us from our pockets. This is what we are condemned to, future generations condemned to. Our short lives having been hijacked by a digital mirage, but we who knew a world without this technology knows what we’ve lost. Where can it go but downward? Where can history go but behind glass, to be gawked at but not participated in.

    If it had the power, I would erase the internet. Not only from existence, but from memory. We do not benefit from this technology, as is now painfully clear. It has colonized every aspect of existence. We have gained nothing from this technology other than alienation, from each other, and from the real world itself.

  • We’re about to be dragged into war with Iran

    Israel’s missile strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria, killing 12 high-ranking Iranian officials, is a red line. There is no way that Iran will allow this terroristic act to pass without response. Iran will now attack Israel at any moment, and you can bet that it will be devastating. Iran knows that if they respond militarily, Israel will match their response with an even more bloodthirsty counter-response, so the only option for Iran is to make their first strike against Israel the only one they will need. You can be sure that Iran will coordinate their attack with Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen, the three of which have come under repeated attacks by Israel. Israel is apparently hoping that an Iranian response will drag the United States into war on their behalf. I’m sure it will. Which means that American troops could be sent to die on Israel’s behalf.

    Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and other nations, know that this would be the sequence of events. Which means that the eventual counterstrike against Israel will probably be devastating enough to wipe it off the map. That would be the only possible option, to prevent a prolonged regional war.


  • Israel murders 7 international aid workers

    As a result of this act of barbarism, all aid organizations have halted operations in Gaza. This is the result that Israel wanted. The killing was deliberate.

  • Make bond revocation great again

    Check out the level of rage this animal is walking around with. Oh and he’s a former prosecutor involved with J6 cases, including “Lectern Guy”. No surprise that prosecutor jobs attract psychopaths. We really need a movement going to eliminate bond for rabid animals who’ve committed gratuitous violence on an innocent person, when there is such clear evidence. Civilization is a right that is revoked once one behaves like an animal.

  • A taste of the evil that our nation is funding

    The US is funding one of the most evil “movements”, if you can call it that, in the world. The settlers, who slowly invade and take over Palestinian property in the West Bank, are rabid animals who operate totally unchecked. The entire Arab world hates these people, as does anyone who knows anything about them. It’s all so ironic, that these people are as vicious, as inhuman, as violent, and as genocidal, as we’re told the Germans of the 30’s were. These are people who have hollowed out their humanity, who’ve crossed moral and spiritual lines the price of which is your soul. They exist as human golems, a pure incarnation of sub-animal evil, their selves having been consumed by a spiritual abyss. Individuals can be evil, but when groups appear irrevocably bound in their shared inhumanity, they become a plague, and it is the responsibility of the human race of eradicating or suppressing these plagues. Again, what would Cortez have done?

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