New year, new look

Don’t be alarmed. I’m currently experimenting with the layout of the site, but the content will always be the same.  If you have suggestions/comments/gripes, send them to

Thanks for the page views and welcome to all the new readers.  This site is basically a stripped-down news aggregation site from the point of view of someone deeply affected by the ideas of liberty as espoused by Ayn Rand, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Albert Jay Nock, etc.  The point of view, also, from someone involved with the ‘Ron Paul Revolution’ and who holds a desire to complete that peaceful, philosophical revolution in our lifetimes.  It was a true revolution for liberty, the most radical political movement this country has ever seen.  So, there will be news aggregation, but also short commentary, important quotes, important essays, important research.  I will post what I deem “important” from my ‘libertarian’ political perspective, which is nothing more complicated than a desire to see voluntary interaction between consenting adults expanded into as many areas of life as possible.  I’ve written regularly for several publications before, but now, my writing will appear exclusively at Republic Reborn.  I picked this name for this blog because I feel it conveys the attitude, and goal, of Paul’s revolution.  A resurgence of liberty, a dying republic, reborn on the ideals that it was originally founded upon.

In other news, the home of the majority of my writing over the past three years, Red Dirt Report, will be shuttered by its editor in one month.  Here is a link to my articles from there, read them while you can.

Also, the number of page views I wake up to has become alarmingly high, which means I will shortly get my act together and get you early-birds more content. Never fear, and thanks for reading.

Author: S. Smith