The vaccine-injured are being gaslighted by a Pharma-owned medical profession

A great editorial has appeared in the California Globe: Why are vaccine adverse events not acknowledged or reported by medical professionals?

When the reports of severe injuries began appearing following the roll-out of the HPV vaccine, the medical profession had a ready-made response: It’s psychosomatic, nothing to see here! Many went so far as to accuse the girls of purposely faking their illnesses in order to derail Gardasil, the new miracle of Science. The pre-teen and teen girls that suffered severe injuries, unbeknownst to them, were about to become part of a growing, ostracized community of the vaccine-injured, due to the fact that the corporate-owned media, corporate-owned governments, and corporate-owned medical profession refused to acknowledge the existence of vaccine injuries. “It’s not possible to be harmed by a vaccine” is the reigning prejudice, and so when someone is in fact injured by a vaccine, everyone up and down the line refuses to admit or even grant the possibility that the vaccine caused it. I believe this attitude is behind the practice of giving multiple vaccines at once. If it were admitted that combining vaccines could be dangerous, in the same way that combining medication is, then it would beg the question of what exactly happens that makes a combo dangerous? Health professionals routinely combine live-virus vaccines with ‘inactive’ ones, while having no idea what the long-term consequences could be for the immune system. A vaccine without a live virus requires an adjuvant to stimulate the immune system, usually aluminum. How is that aluminum interacting with the other vaccines being administered? How is the combination of vaccines affecting the underdeveloped immune systems of children?

These questions aren’t asked, because vaccines are blindly assumed to be safe in an absolute sense. This blind belief has had the effect of ostracizing those who have been severely, and permanently, injured by vaccines. No one believes them, or believes the “one in a million” fiction that so many health professionals unthinkingly parrot. The vaccine-injured don’t even have recourse to sue the manufacturers, but instead go to ‘vaccine court’ and make the case that their injury was indeed caused by the vaccine. If they win then they get a payout, along with an order not to talk about their ordeal or the payout. But if vaccines were truly safe, why the need for blanket legal immunity for vaccine manufacturers? Why the $4 billion in payouts to vaccine victims? Why the desperate effort to keep a lid on the questions regarding vaccine safety? Why the fear-mongering to force vaccine mandates through legislatures?

Why, specifically, the fear-mongering over measles? Out of the around one thousand cases in the U.S., everyone has by now recovered. Measles is a self-limiting infection, it’s gone within a week. Once you’ve had it, you are immune for life. And an inconvenient fact for the pro-vaccine corporate elites regarding their beloved concept of “herd immunity”, the concept itself was developed in reference to natural immunity derived from the majority of a population having previously been infected with measles.

Hundreds of life-threatening infectious diseases exist, yet we only have vaccines for a few. Why aren’t we being wiped out by the rest? Why did every single infectious disease experience the same dramatic decline in mortality during the first half of the twentieth century, despite the lack of a vaccine? Clean water, clean food, hygiene, plumbing, sanitation, all this is the reason that infectious disease has been virtually eliminated, not vaccines. Yet people hold the simultaneous belief that vaccines have saved humanity, and are completely safe. Both are wrong.


Author: S. Smith