Pat Robertson has always been a pro-war nutjob

Pat Robertson is a perfect example of someone who professes a deep faith in God yet has made it his mission in life to do the Devil’s work. He has always loved war, and has loved it even more so when it’s been Republicans instigating and escalating it. He’s clearly insane, but has in the past been useful when the Christian conservative mob needed to be brought into the pro-war fold. Bush trotted him out occasionally to spread the Imperial gospel, which he did with fervor. Now he declaims that Trump will lose his “mandate of heaven” if he ends US involvement in the blazing dumpster fire that is Syria. Oh really. A war that has nothing to do with the security of the United States, a war almost of nihilism, and yet to Pat we must remain, and for him even God himself has some interest in the outcome. There is a point that a public figure reaches, when they’ve held views so utterly antithetical to their professed spiritual or moral beliefs, that at some point one can only conclude that they are entirely devoid of conscience or character. A person with a capacity for guilt, which I believe to be the defining trait of a true human, can’t keep up the act for so long. There would be a visible deterioration etched on their manner, and it would only end with a suicide or some grand repentance followed by monasticism. Pat, despite the encroaching dementia, is positively cheery when talking up war. He probably sleeps like a baby every single night. And somehow these are the psychopaths with access to the powerful.


Author: S. Smith