The corporate media never protects actual whistleblowers

A huge fuss is currently being made over the Constitutional rights of the “whistleblower” who outed Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president. That this concern is being felt by the corporate news media for some presently unknown individual should raise eyebrows. If they truly cared about the rights of a whistleblower it would definitely be a first, and that fact alone should make us hesitate before placing this person in the same hallowed group occupied by Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Joe Wilson, John Kiriakou, and other actual heroes. The aforementioned were not treated well at all by the same media goons currently howling about justice over the White House leaker who of course turned out to be a CIA agent, and who is now safely nestled back at that murderous agency.

The corporate media doesn’t care about whistleblowers. In fact, they actively seek to demonize, smear, and convict them at every possible turn. That they are now coming to the defense of some individual whom they’ve deemed a whistleblower suggests that this person isn’t one.

How many corporate outlets reported on the September 27th death of Joe Wilson, the person who blew the whistle on the yellowcake uranium fraud used to con the public into supporting a tragic war in Iraq?

How many of these propagandists are using airtime to talk about Chelsea Manning’s plight, or that of Julian Assange? We know the answer, and we know why. Because they don’t care about true whistleblowers. The corporate news outlets serve the permanent structure of power, and they will defend any attempt at dismantling or exposing it. In this sense, then, the White House leaker is an anti-whistleblower, because Trump, at least in this case, is seeking to expose just one instance of the unbelievable corruption that is typical among our Political Class.

To label this CIA spook a whistleblower is to steal the valor of all the courageous whistleblowers who have sacrificed their freedom so that the American people would know the truth about the crimes their government commits in their name.

Author: S. Smith