Clusters of SIDS deaths point to a man-made cause

8 babies died in their sleep over a period of five months on the Treasure Coast, five of which happened in St. Lucie county.

This can’t be swept away, or ignored any longer.  We are experiencing the effects of man-made disease, the end result the Medical Class’ obsession with chemical-laden interventions into the lives of otherwise perfectly healthy children. I realize that criticism of healthcare providers is taboo, despite the fact that their blunderings lead to the avoidable deaths of upwards of 250,000 Americans each year.  What if there are other, more insidious blunderings occurring out of sight, pointedly avoided for fear of what might be found? And what will that turning of a blind eye result in?

A V of black swans is just over the horizon, headed our way. And there is no one to blame but ourselves We’ve welcomed them, creating a perfect habit for their existence.

Terrorist whack-a-mole is a game that the Warfare State wants to play forever

Baghdadi’s successor has already been found, and killed, according to several sources.

Of course, it didn’t give the American populace enough time to develop a hatred of him, and so their was none of the catharsis that many Americans visibly displayed upon hearing of Baghdadi’s death. The question is, how long are we going to allow this game to continue? Our military can play this game forever, as some new “militant” pops up, the US sends in a hit squad, kills him and everyone in the vicinity, and the nation cheers. It’s a grim national pastime that we’ve developed here. It’s barbarism wrapped up in Ol’ Glory, stripping the flag and the other relics of a long-dead Republic of any meaning whatsoever as they’re trotted out among the cameras after each new military atrocity, to thunderous applause.

Like the Drug War, prostitution prohibition creates a black market, ruins lives, and creates jobs for state and federal thugs

Great article over at Reason, The FBI Rebrands Its Sex Worker Harassment Campaign.

The primary objection to prostitution, in the eyes of the government, is essentially the exchange of money, not the act itself. But a prohibition on that simple exchange has ruined countless thousands of lives, be it the workers themselves, or the desperate “Johns” that get entrapped by thugs in law enforcement who surely have better things to do. Because they are sex workers we are told not to care. “Their lives don’t matter” is the unspoken assumption. We’re told that they engage in “child sex trafficking” and bring disease and crime into our communities. But this isn’t a result of their profession, but of the prohibition on their profession. Outlawing prostitution has created a black market, with all the same side effects of drug prohibition. Sex workers, denied access to courts of law, marginalized, harassed, locked up, etc., operate outside civilized society, and so the crime, violence, and disease naturally follow. Legalizing the profession would bring it into the light, afford it legal protection, thereby making it safer and cleaner. The black market would evaporate. Legalizing it would heal one aspect of society that has drawn in too many of the most vulnerable in our society. It would also eliminate the bloated jobs program that dedicates its time to harassing these people, people who, unlike the badged parasites who waste tax dollars by spending their days and nights ruining others’ lives, are engaged in voluntary, consensual exchange. It’s a business transaction, and it should be treated as such.

The legalization of prostitution is the only way to save and empower those engaged in it.