We’re headed to COVID herd immunity whether we like it or not

It’s simultaneously horrifying and entertaining to watch bureaucrats and health “experts” scurry about in a vain attempt to cobble together a policy that would prevent the spread of the virus. Standing amid the devastation of the economic lockdowns, the Political Class is going full steam ahead with a mandatory mask policy, despite the evidence that masks do little to stem the spread, while slowly suffocating the wearer. But it does make everyone feel safer, whether it works or not. That’s the goal, apparently. First an illusion of danger, then an illusion of safety, with massive power grabs taking place while we are held in thrall by the illusion.

There is no stopping COVID-19. It will continue to spread until herd immunity is reached. Lucky for us, it’s not much of a danger to anyone. It poses no risk to children or young adults, and minimal risk to anyone under 65. The median age of death is 79. Positive cases are rising, and yet the death rate is falling. This news should be celebrated by every corner of our society. The rapidly growing group of recovered individuals means herd immunity is on the horizon. This means we will never need a treatment, a vaccine, or social distancing and lockdowns. Ever. Society can reopen safely. In fact, the numbers show that the one thing we should be doing is opening as fast as possible, because we will reach herd immunity much more quickly. To better protect society, the young and healthy must be exposed to this virus. No different than a vaccine, except that a wild COVID infection doesn’t come with the laundry list of dangerous preservatives.  Our immune system is the product of millions of years of natural selection. It was made to handle COVID. Let nature do it’s magic. I can think of no more dangerous, foolish enterprise that attempts to intervene in the process of evolution, or attempts to tinker or alter products of evolution. Evolutionary forces are smarter than the “experts” currently setting the world on fire. If any positive change is to emerge from the self-inflicted chaos we’ve suffered from over the past several months, it will come in the form of a complete rejection of “expert-ism”, or the reliance on the advice of experts. The “experts” got COVID wrong, but nevertheless inflicted a massive amount of pain on the world.  Civilization can’t afford to listen to their advice ever again.


Author: S. Smith