Mask mandates are only serving the function of a reminder that COVID-19 even exists

Just came across this deeply insightful meme at People for Informed Consent’s Facebook page:

Painfully obvious truth. Masks mandates, pathological testing, and propaganda are the only things keeping the public from forgetting about the virus. And yet we’re being forced to sacrifice so much to this phantom fear, the worst of which is our children’s diminished childhoods. Schools require masks OF CHILDREN in the fall, and there’s no telling what new toxic disinfectants have been brewed for the express purpose of dowsing these schools.

The human race is its own worst enemy. Fear itself, not a virus or any other outside threat, will kill us all in the end. As we watch members of our species voluntarily huff their own carbon dioxide, and shame others for not doing the same, that painful truth becomes clear.

Author: S. Smith