To escape the asylum, we must treat COVID-19 as the unavoidable, negligible threat that it is

The only path out of the darkness that our local and state governments have plunged us in, is to immediately stop treating COVID-19 as a meaningful risk to our lives. For 99.9% of us, it poses no real risk whatsoever. For the small number for whom the virus does pose a risk, they can isolate if they wish, but the best way to protect those vulnerable would be for the rest of us to contract COVID-19. The virus is its own vaccine. We need to understand that crucial point: to protect the vulnerable, the virus has to spread among the healthy, who will then develop immunity. No COVID vaccine is coming. Thankfully, the virus is far less dangerous than even the flu for the vast majority, and the infection would be much safer and far more effective than any injectable brew cooked up by Pharma.

Lockdowns, which decimate the economy, not only put the vulnerable at a far greater risk than COVID, but delay the inevitable spread of the virus. The economic and social sacrifices made have been in vain. As sad as that is, we must face it if we are going to avoid total social collapse.

COVID-19 is only unique in that it has received the most coordinated public relations makeover in history. Through the magic of masterful propaganda, a mild infection has been transformed into a rampant killer. The public has been manipulated into fearing this phantom, and has been willing to sacrifice their safety and security to protect themselves from this phantom threat. How tragically ironic.

To escape from the madness, we must cease looking at every other person as primarily a carrier and spreader of infection. We have to view them as people again.

Risk is an unavoidable aspect of life. So is getting sick. We engage in far greater risks on a daily basis than COVID without losing our minds. We can do the same with the virus if only we make the conscious decision to escape.

Author: S. Smith