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I’ve been giving my attention almost exclusively to my budding Facebook group lately, and as a result, neglected the platform that I actually own. As much as I enjoy keeping a receptacle for my writing here, I had forgotten how enjoyable it is to have an exchange of ideas with an actual group of people who share your views. Which means that, sooner or later, I’m going to create a forum here at Republic Reborn, a place where ideas can be freely shared and debated without the ever-present threat of corporate cancellation. I’ll need to hire a professional for that. And while I’m at it, I’ll slightly revamp the aesthetics of this space for a more seamless appearance.

A lot has happened over the past few weeks: COVID cases are down to almost nothing, Oklahoma has become the second state to end the state of emergency surrounding the virus, mask mandates in schools are dying swift deaths. Guthrie, Kingfisher, Elgin, Enid, Yukon (for the most part), and others, are choosing science over hysteria, compassion over the abusive self-righteousness that lies at the heart of all mask mandates. The COVID cult is in full retreat.

Through the revelation that teachers unions strong-armed the CDC into changing its school-reopening guidance, the agency has thoroughly discredited itself and should never be trusted again.

Lockdowns have been fully discredited by an army of courageous intellectuals who never yielded ground in the war of ideas.

I feel that the human race is undergoing a process of radical divergence, and the COVID crisis has been a catalyst, or rocket fuel, speeding up the process. The primary distinction isn’t really intelligence or success, but rather character, conviction, and the ability to firmly grasp certain fundamental principles and not be shaken by propaganda or emotional blackmail. COVID hysteria precipitated a Founder’s mutation of sorts, and while we hovered over the abyss of self-made extinction for a time, maybe it was necessary in order to set into motion this spiritual/character-driven divergence. Are those who immediately opposed COVID hysteria the true Nockian Remnant? Only time will tell. Let’s see where we’re at in a decade.

Author: S. Smith