To be clear: I do not condone fighting cops, or violence at all. This violence will solve nothing, as is usually the case. Behaving like an animal won’t bring your country freedom. Did any of these people now fighting in the streets ever at any point over the past decade stop to think about what their government was capable of, and what kind of power it had been given? They ignored it. Every red flag leading up to vaccine passports was ignored by them until it was too late. They may have even scoffed at those who warned that their government had accumulated far too much power. And now suddenly those voices of reason who warned that this would happen have now been swept aside. And suddenly everyone wants to march in the streets and fight. When has it ever achieved anything? To think and reason is hard, which is why most refuse to do it. Argument and persuasion is very hard, which is why almost no one does it. Behaving like an animal is easy, which is why so many do it when given the opportunity.
All happening!!!!
Ren 72
(@rensetter72) August 26, 2021