Listen to the authoritarians when they’re this honest. They tell you who they are.

I’ve come to the conclusion that people like Wen have been control freaks their entire lives. They hate personal autonomy, and personal liberty,with a vindictive burning passion. It’s not about the virus, it’s the fetish for control that’s on display here. These hall monitor types are everywhere, but most of the time we all try to avoid them. Think back to all the moments youv’e encountered someone like Wen. You feel revulsion, and you want to get away. Want to bet how many people feel this way about Wen who know her personally? Imagine the hollowness of the life of someone like this, the total emptyness. The obsession with control/the hatred of the uncontrolled eats away at whatever spirit is left of the person so infected, until there is nothing left other than a desire to impose control on others. It’s inner darkness projected onto the world.

Author: S. Smith