They’re not “passports”

Why are vaxpasses being called “passports”? It would be interesting to trace the origin of this particular use of the word. Was it because the association with something familiar would make the new digital ID more easily accepted by the public? A passport is something you need to travel abroad, not something to use when you’re within your country’s borders. “You have a driver’s license don’t you?!?! Same thing!” I’ve heard this several times from people several decades older than me, used as if its some trump card in the debate. But we aren’t forced to brandish our license before entering every store, and behavioral expectations (other than “don’t break the law”) don’t form the foundation of a driver’s license. In fact, our licenses should return to their original purpose of solely providing proof that you can operate a vehicle without killing yourself or others. They’re slowly turning into a data passport, and this should be reversed.

Once your ability to operate as a functioning member of society is dependent on a QR code, you will be a slave. Once your ability to buy groceries, or work, or vote, or drive, is dependent on your compliance with arbitrary behavioral expectations, you will be a slave. These are not “passports”, they are a yoke that will be used to control you completely. You will be totally at the mercy of the QR code. Not a passport. Digital slavery.

Author: S. Smith