Oklahoma is on the verge of legalizing recreational marijuana

I’ve been so focused on the man-made apocalypse that I’ve totally missed other significant developments. The most notable is that the number of signatures needed to put an issue to a vote will be filed today in Oklahoma on the issue of recreational marijuana. I’m virtually alone in my support of marijuana legalization among the conservatives I’ve worked with for the past two years, so much so that I didn’t even know that signatures were being gathered. But it is a miraculous development, and proof that people do have the power to change their world and their fate if only they get off their arses and do something. Full legalization would decimate the remaining black market for marijuana, and with it all the societal ills that have grown like a cancer. It would outcompete the cartels who have found a way into our state. It would provide a far safer alternative to the dangerous black market poisons that have grown so popular among ruralites, like meth and heroin. Our greatest obstacle to growth, and barrier to our own evolution, is our distrust of freedom when exercised by people who are different from us. Overcome this, and we change the world.

Author: S. Smith