The Jim Jones’ of the COVID Era now want us to forgive them

About two years ago, many millions of formerly rational people abruptly descended into a primitive, Apocalypse-worshipping cult. They beckoned a new Dark Age, and attacked and hated anyone who pointed out their lunacy with the savagery of someone totally overtaken by a fundamentalist creed. Just try to remember the barbarism of their behavior just a few years ago. They called for the death of the unmasked, the excommunication or worse of the unvaccinated, and an end to everything outside of the fold of their new religion. Now, in the red dawn following that protracted night, those very people want forgiveness. And some on our side believe we should forgive. But there is such a thing as toxic forgiveness, something that diminishes once it is given. We can move on without forgiving. We can remember without harboring hate. Some people and certain acts do not deserve forgiveness.

Author: S. Smith