Imagine a world with a large-scale vaxxed vs. unvaxxed study

It’s been over two years and we now have more than enough people to enroll in a massive study that looks at health outcomes of those vaccinated for COVID, comparing these outcomes to those who remain unvaccinated. The needle Nazis failed in their efforts to eliminate the control group via threats, blackmail, and public shaming, and now very few people want to take any more of the boosters. So do the study! Imagine what would be discovered. I have a feeling that we would discover that the mass vaccination campaign for COVID during 2021-2022 had been the greatest instance of public health manslaughter in history. I read the obituaries and comments from family members. I read the stories of those who have sustained severe and permanent disabilities shortly after receiving the Pfizer or Moderna vax. They an their family members are gaslit by their doctor, the media, and the entire public health establishment. They’re either ridiculed or ignored entirely. But the same medical establishment is afraid unto death over the prospect of such a study. Because it would expose their hand in the deaths and injuries that they pretend didn’t happen. Maybe once the study is done, we could trace every injury back to a particular doctor, or a particular pharmacy, or a particular drive-thru vax site (hard to believe those existed). Then maybe we could have our “never again” moment, and at least take the wind out of the sails of the next “miracle” drug.

Never forget

These people would’ve gladly imprisoned the unvaccinated, or worse. The pandemic was a once in a millennia test, maybe one administered by our silent schoolmaster Creator, who knows. Whoever administered the test now knows something fundamental about each of us. Whatever lies at our core was revealed, and we have now been divided into two categories: those who complied, who chose to let their fear transform into hate, and those who didn’t succumb to the manufactured hysteria, who refused to comply,

Our legal immigration system is a dumpster fire

We make it harder for the educated, civilized, humane, people who would add moral, social, and economic value here, while making it ever so easy for international rando’s to simply step over our Southern border. A rational nation, with a concern for its survival, would immediately reverse this situation.

Now Maine kicks Trump off ballot

Trump is back on the ballot in Colorado, but now Maine is trying this trick. In Colorado, their state Supreme Court removed Trump, but their Secretary of State reinstated him. In Maine, this is the action of their Secretary of State, so will it now go to their state Supreme Court to reaffirm the decision? This is a blatant, vicious disenfranchisement of voters. Trump will win in 2024, and these Leftist thugs know it and can’t stand it.

Are we about to see a domino effect of other states following in the footsteps of Maine? Will California, New York, and the rest of New England attempt this? What will be the consequences if they’re successful? How much more abuse will Americans take?

American democracy is undergoing an irreversible crack-up. We are living through a period of extreme political and social dissolution. One side appears to live and let live, while the other side behaves more akin to Bolshevik revolutionaries, intent on forcing their worldview upon the entire nation, just as many have done throughout history. Understand what this leads to. If one side believes the ends justifies the means, the means here being our foundational right to choose our government, then there is no limit to what lengths they’d be willing to go. Even so far as violence through the courts. Law is now wielded as a weapon by these impartial revolutionaries, hellbent on punishing their political adversaries whom they’ve successfully dehumanized in their minds. In America, before this recent past, voters of different parties didn’t see their political adversaries as less than human On the fringes, yes it happened. But now it is out in the open. This situation is untenable, and points to national divorce as the only possible solution. The military doesn’t want us as soldiers, megacorps don’t want us as employees, government doesn’t want us filling their bureaucracies, schools don’t want us teaching, medical schools and colleges don’t want us as students, et cetera. They demand total ideological subjugation and uniformity, a condition no self-respecting citizen of Jefferson, Paine, Adams, and Washington should ever feel forced to tolerate.

This is the end of the United States as it once was, we can no longer continue this sham marriage. To save America as an idea, it must be preserved in a different form. That form is a separate America. If the Left hates us so much, we should be allowed to leave. But identically to a vicious, hateful spouse, if they can’t force us to stay, they’d rather us die.