Our masters now want to ban the nicotine pouch Zyn

Why do governments hate stimulants so much? The multi-decade war on nicotine has been fantastical, psychotic, hyperbolic, and relentless. I’d thought this was all about inhaling smoke into your lungs, but it appears to be a religious war on stimulants themselves. Authoritarian parasite Chuck Schumer is behind the new push to crush the company, Zyn, a producer of a nicotine pouch that gives the user a clean hit of nicotine. What right does he, or anyone else, have, to tell us whether we can or cannot use nicotine? I’ll tell you what this is, this is the result of ceding any ground at all to these control freak nannies. We should have never allowed the elimination of smoking in public. It empowered an entire race of high horse busybodies, ready to ruin the lives of anyone flaunting their rules. Ceding ground emboldened these public policy schoolmarms, who now constantly push for new restrictions on personal behavior. Aside from the drug addled vagrants who sleep and defecate where we walk. No, they’re exempt. They’re treated like eccentrically charming wildlife who have no control over their own behavior. They get to inject their drugs, harass passersby, roll around, overdose, and scream unintelligibly, and we’re supposed to be fine with it. But for the law-abiding, we must walk an ever-shrinking line. Fentanyl is crossing our southern border at a miraculous rate, drugged children are being trafficked, federal law enforcement is aiding, abetting, and encouraging it all, and everyone responsible is demanding we give up another harmless vice? Well, F*** you. What would be next, caffeine? There’s already a war on that stimulant too, a vast army of But we get to keep weed and alcohol. Those stores are allowed to open up anywhere they please. Drunk, high, fat, sedentary, electrified, de-gassified, and demoralized as sh** is the preferred psychological state of the law abiding Castrated cattle that we’ve become. This is how prisoners are treated. No rights, only privileges. And we’re supposed to be thankful for whatever we’re allowed. Smartphone addiction, an approved vice, has run amok. Porn addiction has become totally normalized, even encouraged. Kids are given phones, computers, tablets, and become lifelong maintenance users of this most dangerous drug, and we’re supposed to give up nicotine?

Who has the mental strength to even oppose this anymore? Non-smokers didn’t give a crap when smokers were targeted, and non-nicotine users won’t care when it’s all banned. But by the time the Nanny State apparatchiks come for them, it will be too late. It’s been allowed to go on for too long, and there will be no one to stop the knuckle draggers showing up to throw you in jail, or issue you a fine, for the crime of eating meat, or driving a gas car, or publicly consuming your coffee, or publicly expressing support for a closed border candidate, or wearing leather, or exhaling carbon dioxide.

You think it won’t happen, and that’s the reason it always does happen.

Author: S. Smith